SCHEDULE CHANGE: The Overton Golf Invite has been moved up to Thursday 4/28/2022.

Middle School Track Meet Today begins at 1:00 PM. This is a Time change from the original posted time. See you at Wilcox-Hildreth!

We are accepting donations until May 5th, for the Fire Department in the Main Office. Any help is appreciated.

Mark your Calendars!

April 19 Newsletter is Ready!

ATTENTION JH PARENTS:The official start time will be 1:00 for FKC JH Track on May 3rd. This is a change from the originally posted time.

Updated Schedule for tonight's Awards Banquet. We hope to see you there! Music/Band Awards will be presented at the Spring Concert.

Congratulations to the Middle School Girls for winning the Hi-Line Invitational Meet on Tuesday in Elwood. All the girls had a great day despite the winds they had to deal with. Keep working hard.

Activities Banquet Information

Spring Concert Season is Here! Please come and join us!

Have a Happy and SAFE Easter Break!

4th grade field trip second post

What a fun time we had at Life on the Farm! Thank you to Buffalo County Nebraska 4-H for organizing and hosting. Thank you to Gateway Farm Expo for feeding us and all of the presenters who took time to teach us about agriculture.

3rd grade has baby chicks!!

Our kids signed a poster thanking the Food Bank for the donation. Thank you to the kitchen staff and Dr. Schroder for grilling the hot dogs. Most importantly, Thanks to all that came and ate with us!

Thank you to everyone who came to our Hot Dog Feed! We raised 82.25 for the food bank!

We would like to thank our Awesome Paras!
Mary Florell, Shelbi Hammond, Diane Freeland, Angie Graddy, Cindy Stone, Angie Robinson, Johnathan Bouc & Chrissy Misener. Thank you for all you do for ECPS

The JH Track Meet scheduled for April 7th has been postponed.

Change in Bus Pick Up Location.

Hot Dog Feed on Friday!